Deadline for abstract submission is CLOSED !

Contributions are welcome for all fields related to modeling and geological processes (see Sessions HERE). 

The abstracts can be uploaded during abstract submission. Abstracts should be submitted using the following templates (modified from Geomod 2012) specifying the abstract size and style : PDF-file.pdf     WORD-file.doc

After evaluation of all submitted abstracts you will receive further information concerning the definitive registration.

Most of the presentations will be poster presentations. Oral presentations will be given by the keynote speakers and a selection of invited speakers made by the scientific committee.

The format for poster display is Portrait (maximum size = 100 cm large x 200 cm long)

Contact :

 GeoMod 2016 is hosted by Géosciences Montpellier, University of Montpellier. Please feel free to contact if you have any questions.
Webmaster: S. Dominguez / iWeb
Abstract Submission :

By email